Lifelong Nerd and Lego Afficionado

I want to know how it works

My dad bought me my first computer when I was 11 years old - a Vic 20. After that I upgraded to a Commodore 64 and started programming by typing in BASIC programs I found in books and then modifying them. At that time, my favorite programs were text adventure games like Zork. I was the typical fantasy nerd and loved novels by Tolkien and Asimov.

After that I learned my computer skills like any other kid - I wanted to play computer games, and so I had to learn how to copy and hack games. I remember frying my Commodore because I was trying to reset it via a paper clip that I would use in the back port to reset it and dump its memory (so I could copy it to disk once the reset was complete). A trip to the local auto store to replace a fuse got me back in business.

Tempus Feugiat

Morbi interdum mollis sapien. Sed ac risus. Phasellus lacinia, magna a ullamcorper laoreet, lectus arcu

Aliquam Nulla

Ut convallis, sem sit amet interdum consectetuer, odio augue aliquam leo, nec dapibus tortor nibh sed

Sed Magna

Suspendisse mauris. Fusce accumsan mollis eros. Pellentesque a diam sit amet mi ullamcorper vehicula.

Professional Software Developer

Specializing in Web Technologies

Eric has been coding professionally since 1998. He started thinking he was going to be a Java developer. He started learning on JDK 1.1 and J2EE. But like most other developers of the day, he realized that learning javascript was paramount to being a web developer. Since starting his career Eric has been a developer, analyst, tester, development lead, solution architect, and web architect.

Vestibulum sit amet

mattis sapien pretium tellus venenatis

Cras aliquet urna ut sapien tincidunt, quis malesuada elit facilisis. Vestibulum sit amet tortor velit. Nam elementum nibh a libero pharetra elementum. Maecenas feugiat ex purus, quis volutpat lacus placerat malesuada. Praesent in sem ex. Morbi mattis sapien pretium tellus venenatis, at egestas urna ornare.

Morbi interdum mollis sapien

Cras aliquet urna ut sapien tincidunt, quis malesuada elit facilisis. Vestibulum sit amet tortor velit. Nam elementum nibh a libero pharetra elementum. Maecenas feugiat ex purus, quis volutpat lacus placerat malesuada. Praesent in sem ex. Morbi mattis sapien pretium tellus venenatis, at egestas urna ornare.